Tuesday 14 November 2017


Walt Write a poem about our favourite animal.

I like Jaguars

I like them
Ask me why   

Because they are rapid

Because their camouflage blends in

Because they are good at hunting

Because they have black spots

Because their smooth and cuddly

Because they have sharp teeth

Because their not too big


That’s why i like Jaguars

Thursday 2 November 2017

Market day Poster

Walt design a poster to meet a need what did you design? i designed are poster about market day why? because to tell people to come to the market sale explain how we came up with the poster rubric? first we got in buddys and we looked at a slideshow and then we got two yellow paper then room 4 made are rubric

Monday 30 October 2017

Ura manuka logo.

     Walt create a logo for the ura manuka cluster
what did you do? i did it one paper becuse i wanted to do it on paper and it was fun couling it in and drawing why did you choose the design i picke it because i thought it was going to be fun doing it on paper and it was more then fun

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Walt gather information from different texts. this week is Maori week so everyone is celebrating Maori week by speaking Maori i did are sildeshow about Maori i chouse coulers,days,weeks,months because some people might not no how to sey it in Maori thats why i did those DLO

Monday 14 August 2017


Walt describe the stages of insect pollination    

Introduction pollination makes plants grow and it makes flowers grow pollination is inside of flowers every one needs pollen or we can't eat            

  1. The bee goes to a flower
  2. The pollen sticks to the bees legs
  3. But when it goes to  another flower it drops some pollen
  4. Then the bee goes to a strawberry flower
  5. And the pollen makes the strawberry

how to show Responsibility

WALT demonstrate responsibility in different situations.

Wednesday 15 March 2017


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